HIBC Goes Back to School

Author:HIBC    Time:2019-4-4    View:2734

A business ecosystem is a community of people that care about each other and inspires that everyone becomes successful in business. HIBC is dedicated to build a strong diverse community of startups and small businesses. As an inclusive ecosystem,our community is constantly expanding with people from all over the world. As we have one of the most diverse communities of business leaders in China, we were therefore invited to speak at Peking University HSBC Business School. 

At Peking University, Cassie Xia, CEO and founder of HIBC, joined a workshop in Global Business: Doing Business in China. Cassia Xia joined Ms. Cathy Peng CEO of ROCS, and Professor Simon Choi, to speak to graduate students from all over the world.

There were graduate students from all over the world that attended the event. They were from Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa, Tunisia and more. They were actively listening as they wanted to learn more about doing business in China. Currently, more and more people from all over the world are flocking to China with the goal of doing business here but many are unaware of the hurdles they would encounter here. 

Cathy Peng

Cathy Peng a prestigious global business leader, gave a brief lecture on the global landscape of doing business and the reason doing business in China will become more important. Ms. Peng has industry experience since she worked for many multinational companies and is currently running her own business in Silicon Valley. She shared her insight into the changing environment of business within china and how it’s changed the world on a global scale.

Ms. Cassie Xia of HIBC talked about essential information that everyone should know before doing business within China. During her talk Cassie focused on many of the details regarding how doing business in China works, some of the regulations they should be aware of and what steps each one of them should take if they want to be successful.

Check the video here. 

Since Cassie has started HIBC, she has experienced many of the issues of doing business in China and she shared her first-hand experiences with the audience. Many of them found the information useful and some even expressed interest in joining HIBC. 

Professor Simon Choi is a lawyer whose firm is located in Shenzhen talked about the importance of having lawyer and knowing the laws in China. Keeping track of the rules and regulations in China, helps businesses ahead of the game.

Simon Choi

After each one of them gave a short lecture, there was a panel discussion about doing business in China where the guest speakers got to dive deeper into their respective fields and answer questions from the students. Millennials are the world’s future entrepreneurs so being able to speak directly to them, inspiring them take their dreams of having their own startup and make it a reality is what HIBC is dedicated to doing. HIBC wants to not just add services to help businesses but also become a mentor and leader in the international business community. 

  What do I need to know to start?

Q1:Office or company, which one come first?

Q2:Do I need to have a Chinese partner to do business in China?


Want to know more about doing business in China?Contact us!


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HIBC is now offering a mentorship program to help startups and small businesses. With HIBC mentorship program, companies can now have direct access to consultations on legal advice, tax, accounting, advice directly from the CEO of HIBC and more. The advice and consultation are customized for each company, helping them grow faster. Startups with mentors have a higher chance of succeeding and making money faster. 

HIBC is not just about building community, it’s about leading the community to success, and with HIBC mentorship program, companies now have the opportunity to receive more by being part of this community and network.